We are excited to announce the upcoming International Conference on Human Resilience: Navigating Life Changes & Challenges, which will take place in the beautiful city of Hong Kong from May 27 – 30 2026 (HRCONF2026). This conference is organised by Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) and co-organised by the Asian Pacific Rim Confederation of Counsellors (APRCC) and the Asian Professional Counselling & Psychology Associations (APCPA).
Life is full of changes and challenges that test our strength, flexibility, and adaptability. It is through these trials that we often discover our true resilience. This conference aims to explore this fascinating aspect of human nature from both academic and professional perspectives. HRCONF2026 will feature a diverse programme of keynote speeches, plenary sessions, presentations, symposium, and round table discussions, as well as pre-conference workshops by leading researchers and practitioners in the fields of Social and Behavioural Sciences, such as Psychology, Sociology, and Counselling.
We warmly invite you to join us for this dynamic conference, where you will have the opportunity to engage with experts, share your research findings, learn state-of-art counselling skills, and gain insights into the latest developments in fields related to human resilience and life course adaptations. Whether you are a speaker or a participant, HRCONF2026 offers a unique platform for networking, learning, and exchanging ideas with leading researchers and professionals in the fields of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Let us navigate life’s changes and challenges together and learn how to harness our innate resilience to thrive in the face of adversity. Together, let’s explore, learn, and grow in our understanding of human resilience. Welcome aboard!